From remarks made at a Shabbat seminar, Mevakshei Derech Congregation, Jerusalem
Parashat Chayei Sarah, 22 Cheshvan 5768, 3 November 2007
(Abridged and edited Kislev 5768 – December 2007)
Dear friends, Shabbat Shalom to us all!
Thank you for inviting me to participate in your reflections on a complex question: whether the congregation should engage a rabbi. In my opinion, a more proper phrasing of the question would be: what is desirable in terms of the character and form of spiritual leadership in a liberal Jewish-Zionist congregation in Israel? Needless to say, this question goes far beyond the walls of Mevakshei Derech Congregation…
To read the whole article: mevakshei-derech-english.rtf