1. Editor, Reform Zionist Perspective: Jewish Community in the Modern Age – An Anthology, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Youth Division, New York N.Y., 1977.
2. Reform Zionism, 20 Years – An Educator’s Perspective, Gefen, New-York and Jerusalem, 1999.
3. Ha’optzia Hareformit: Zionut Acheret, (The Reform Option, A Different Zionism), Kibbutz Lotan, 2002.
4. “The Place of Israel in the Identity of Reform Jews” in Danny Ben-Moshe and Zohar Segev, Ed., Israel, the Diaspora and Jewish Identity, Sussex Academic Press, 2007.
5. “Hashlachot Hazionut Hareformit,” (The Implications of Reform Zionism) in Saar Shaked, ed., M’hazon L’metziut, (From Vision to Reality) Leo Baeck Education Center, Haifa, 2006.
6. Editor, Light in the Arava?: A Joint Undertaking between the Kibbutz Movement and the Reform Movement , a dissertation by Gidon Elad, Tzell Hatamar and Kibbutz Yahel, 2008. Movement. Tzell Hatamar and Kibbutz Yahel, 2008