(Israeli Reform Zionist Think Tank held Kibbutz Nachsholim)
A. B. Yehoshua’s in-depth remarks cast a wide net. If I am to relate, as a Reform Zionist, to the meaning of the “Zionist revolution” for our movement in the ten minutes allocated, I can only cover a number of points and I have to forego the nuances. For this I apologize in advance.
With regard to every Zionist movement including Reform Zionism, I am definitely prepared to accept the term “revolution” as you use it - “a radical change in life priorities, values, social ideology and political structure.” We are speaking about a vision of an alternative way of life - an alternative Torat Chaim.
Secondly, you say: “a program, a direction, a platform for a new way of life...” I add that without a program of action the vision simply remains a dream.
And above all, the realization of the vision requires a critical mass - even if it is a small mass - of people, passionate and devoted, who work to actualize that vision-guided way of life. And inevitably, because the Zionist enterprise is an enterprise of human beings the success will only be partial.
Read the whole article: the-zionist-revolution-a-response-to-ab-yehoshua.rtf